Cramping During Pregnancy
Cramping during pregnancy can be very concerning to a pregnant mother. Cramping can be mild to severe. Cramps can be a signal of a problem or just another sign of a stretching and growing uterus. The question then arises, should I be concerned about cramping? We hope to clarify some of the common causes of cramping during pregnancy.
Causes of Cramping During Your First Trimester
1. Implantation cramping - Some women will experience cramping upon implantation. Implantation usually occurs 8-10 days after ovulation. You should not experience implantation cramping after a positive pregnancy test, however many a woman has experienced cramping only to find that she is indeed pregnant shortly there after.
2. Stretching uterus - As your body prepares for it's new baby your uterus will stretch and expand. The ligaments that support the uterus will stretch and with this stretching may cause mild cramps.
3. Miscarriage - Cramping during early pregnancy, especially accompanied by spotting or bleeding, is a warning sign of a possible miscarriage.
4. Ectopic pregnancy - Ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition and requires immediate medical attention. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy include cramping and abdominal pain (particularly on one side), spotting, or bleeding.
5. Other causes of cramping during early pregnancy - constipation or gas pains. Pregnant women often have problems with constipation. This can lead to uncomfortable cramping as well.
Causes of Cramping During Your Second & Third Trimester
1. Round ligament pain - The infamous round ligament pain strikes pregnant women often in their second and third trimester. As in early pregnancy the uterus continues to stretch and grow. As the uterus expands the ligaments stretch to support it. Mild cramping may occur.
2. Preterm labor - Cramping, mild or severe, diarrhea, and back pain can all be indicators of preterm labor.
3. Braxton Hicks contractions - In the second and third trimester pregnant women will often have Braxton Hicks contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions are the irregular intermittent contractions that occur during pregnancy.
4. Labor - During early labor cramping and back pain are common symptoms.
Because normal cramping can be hard to differentiate from a sign of danger, we recommend discussing any cramping with your doctor.
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