Pregnancy Signs

Pregnancy Signs
Here is a list of the many possible signs associated with pregnancy. They are grouped into three categories based on their diagnostic value: positive signs of pregnancy; probable signs of pregnancy; and possible signs of pregnancy. Remember, you can have all of these signs and not be pregnant or, conversely, you can have only a few of them and actually be pregnant. These are only used as indications that should be followed up by your medical practitioner. If you think you may be pregnant, it is recommended that you do a home pregnancy test right away. The earlier you can confirm your pregnancy, the earlier you can start to take better care of yourself.

Possible signs of pregnancy

* No period or amenorrhea; other potential causes of this include fatigue, stress, hormonal problems, illness, extreme weight gain or loss, going off the pill and breastfeeding
* Just "feeling" pregnant
* Nausea and vomiting; this usually occurs two to eight weeks after conception and can also be caused by such things as food poisoning, stress or infections
* Enlargement and soreness of the breasts; this is also seen during pre-menstruation and with birth control pill use
* Increased urination; this can also be a sign of urinary tract infection, stress, or diabetes
* Fatigue
* Ptyalism (Excessive salivation)
* Stretch marks
* Spider veins: For more information on spider and varicose veins, visit our website!
* Quickening (fetal movement); some people often confuse this with gas or bowel contractions.
* Chadwick's Sign (bluish tinge to the vagina and cervix); this is also seen occasionally with impending menstruation
* Colostrum from breasts

Probable signs of pregnancy

* Enlarged abdomen; this can also be a sign of uterine fibroids or a tumor
* Positive pregnancy test
* Change in uterine shape
* Softening of the cervix (Goodell's Sign)
* Enlarging uterus
* Braxton Hicks contractions
* Palpation of the baby
* Ballottement
* Palpation of the uterine artery

Implantation Bleeding
Implantation bleeding can cause you some confusion when you are unsure whether or not you are pregnant. It is not always easy to tell what is break through bleeding, or spotting between periods, and what is actually implantation spotting. The difference between period and implantation bleeding is that implantation bleeding occurs as a result of the embryo burrowing into your endometrium. However, because implantation spotting usually occurs right around the time you would be expecting your period, it is easy to mistake it for your period or as breakthrough bleeding.

Implantation bleeding signs generally include blood that is lighter than menstrual bleeding and is either pink or brown in color. How long implantation bleeding lasts will vary from woman to woman. It is important to note, though, that spotting in early pregnancy is not the same as implantation bleeding.

Positive signs of pregnancy

* Fetal heart tones (this doesn't occur until 10-20 weeks of pregnancy)
* Sonography detection
* X-ray detection

What where your pregnancy symptoms? Did you have morning sickness? Or was it your swollen breasts that gave your pregnancy away? Every woman is different, so share your story of how your knew you were pregnant at Pregnancy Stories.


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